About us

For decades, punks have stood out for their willingness to buck any trend and to make their own choices. Instead of following the crowd, they go against it intentionally. When an authority tells them they need to act or think a certain way, you can count on them to act and think in the precise opposite way – and to do so brashly, to do so loudly. This is the punk attitude, the reason that people all around the world have associated punks with rebellion and unchecked liberty. At Pollution Apparel, it is also the attitude that we take as our own – for a great cause.


Pollution Apparel supports punks for the mavericks they are. We see the vigor and enthusiasm in the punk movement, look back on its rich history of independence and creativity, and embrace it completely. When punks are headbanging and moshing while their favorite band jams out, we are right there with them, sometimes in person but at least in spirit. We are active in the punk community, hitting the skate parks as often as we can, and we live out the punk mindset – doing it my way – every single day.


We are more than a fashion company: we are a forward-thinking organization that stands up for the environment that we hold dear. Seeing how terribly corporations and the system that supports them have treated our planet, we are pushing back hard. We want to excite the environmental subculture in the punk movement and show the world what is possible when a bunch of skaters and headbangers who care come together behind a strong mission. Pollution Apparel is going to continue to evolve in the years ahead, and as it does, we want to become more and more effective in the work that we do on behalf of Mother Earth.


Harnessing the energy and passion of the punk movement, we see endless potential for sustainable energy and renewable resource initiatives, in addition to local community art and music projects. Wherever punks are congregating and rocking along to punk music or trying to land a new trick on their skateboard, snowboard, or scooter, Pollution Apparel should be there as well. We want punks who take an interest in environmental issues to be aware that there are others just like them and that there is a brand that is for them and them alone.


We refuse to sit down, and we refuse to be quiet. As long as our planet is suffering from over-harvesting, over-production, and a dependence on finite resources, there is still another task for us to get through. We will not rest until we see our ideal world in front of us, and when we do, we will skate it and rock out. Although we are aware that this change will not occur overnight, we are confident that the work we are doing at Pollution Apparel will serve as a significant step in the right direction – with support from punks worldwide.